Buzz Off, Mosquitoes: The Woodlands Township Gears Up for Summer

As summer inches closer, so too does our annual battle with mosquitoes. Fear not – The Woodlands Township Mosquito Control division is on the case, launching weekly monitoring for mosquito-borne disease and treatment of areas to control breeding habitats. In this three-minute read, we’ll give you the lowdown on what we’re doing, share some tips to protect yourself, and call on you – our incredible residents – to join us in the fight against these pesky critters.

Weekly Trapping and Treating:  Operation Buzz Be Gone

Our Mosquito Control division is gearing up for action! Each week, we set traps to monitor mosquito populations for disease activity and treat areas where juvenile mosquitoes are thriving. This proactive approach, along with the aid from our county partners, helps to break the disease cycle. In doing so, these methods lower the chance of mosquito-borne illnesses being transferred to humans.  

Join the Fight: Tips to Beat the Bite

With summer around the corner, it’s time for a friendly reminder: as temperatures soar, so does the risk of West Nile virus transmission by mosquitoes. Our Environmental Services Mosquito Control division wants you to stay safe and healthy during those warm summer nights – dawn and dusk are when these particular species are most active – so keep reading for some easy ways to keep mosquitoes at bay.

1. Cover Up: When the sun starts to set and mosquitoes are ready to party, throw on some long sleeves and pants. Opt for light-colored clothing, as mosquitoes are less attracted to lighter shades.

2. Repellent Rockstar: Don’t forget the repellent! Invest in insect repellents containing EPA-regulated active ingredients like DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. Always follow product instructions and consult with your pediatrician before applying any repellents to infants under six months. For the very young, stroller nets are cheap and effective barriers.

3. Yard Duty: We recommend a host of alternatives to pesticides, each of which can help keep your backyard oasis bite-free. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so regularly inspect your backyard for potential breeding sites. Empty those plant saucers, tip over the kiddie pool, clean out your gutters, and keep those mosquitoes from setting up shop! Additionally, consider placing a Mosquito Dunk in your birdbaths and rain barrels, a safe and easy solution for necessary spaces of standing water.

A simple box fan on your patio can keep mosquitoes at bay – as they’re not great flyers, a little wind is like sending them packing on an unscheduled trip! Similarly, Garlic Barrier is another option to confuse a mosquito’s senses while not harming our pollinator pals. For more details on keep how to employ these methods and keep mosquitoes at bay in your neighborhood, check out this guide to mosquito-proofing your patio.

As we dive into summer, how are you going to fight the bite? The Woodlands Township Mosquito Control division is on the front lines, but we need you, our fantastic residents, to join with us. Starting today, gear up, apply that repellent, and let’s show those mosquitoes they’re not welcome in our community. Together, we’ll make this summer one to remember – minus the itchy mosquito bites!

Have questions about how to beat the bite this summer? Ask us! Email or call 281-210-3800. We’ll also be out in the community at several events this season – stop by and say hi!

Sat, May 18Fired Up Tour – Station 210 a.m. to noon9303 Gosling Rd (CC)
Sat, Jun 8Community Involvement Day10 a.m. to noonRush Haven Park (IS)
Sat, Jun 15Fired Up Tour – Station 410 a.m. to noon7900 Bay Branch Dr (AB)
Sat, Jun 22Fired Up Tour – Station 710 a.m. to noon26722 Kuykendahl Rd (CR)
Sat, Jun 29Fired Up Tour – Central Station10 a.m. to noon9951 Grogan’s Mill Rd (TC)
Sat, Sep 7Community Garden Day10 a.m. to 1 p.m.Alspaugh’s Ace Hardware

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