
Recycling Dilemma #1011 – Batteries: Where Do They Belong?

Batteries present a recycling challenge due to their hazardous nature and potential for explosive behavior. Improper disposal can lead to fires and environmental harm. However, numerous local options exist for responsible disposal, including drop-off centers and annual community events. Solving the battery recycling dilemma is crucial for sustainability efforts.

Take the Plastic Free Pledge: Choose to Refuse!

Pledge to kick your plastic habit for Plastic-free July! Complete the online pledge form for a free stainless steel reusable straw to reduce your use and fight plastic pollution.

World Ocean Day : The cost of litter

In the spirit of Earth Day, consider taking an inventory of how much single-use plastic you generate with a plastic footprint calculator. Plus a trick for the next time you are about to put plastic in the curbside cart – look for a neck and a number.

What is your plastic footprint?

In the spirit of Earth Day, consider taking an inventory of how much single-use plastic you generate with a plastic footprint calculator. Plus a trick for the next time you are about to put plastic in the curbside cart – look for a neck and a number.

Monarchs on the move

It’s now in early spring when the eastern monarchs descend from the oyamel firs and move northward through Texas, allowing us to re-appreciate their beauty and marvel at their incredible stamina, navigational abilities, and the unique spectacle that is the monarch migration. Once 700 million strong, monarch populations have crashed by 85% or more. Find out why, and how you can create a safe haven in your yard for these vibrant visitors.

Healthier lawns, cleaner streams

One thoughtful action can help promote both: Think before you fertilize. All too often, lawns are fertilized too heavily, at the wrong time, or when they don’t need it at all—thanks to the formidable marketing efforts by fertilizer companies. Instead of automatically reaching for your spreader, consider what your lawn really needs and the consequences

Kick the Plastic Habit this July

Did You Know that 80% of items found during beach cleanups are related to eating and drinking? This is one problem with an easy solution: choose to refuse single-use plastic! Read on for 5 quick and easy tips to try this month and video inspiration from “Down Under”.

All A-Buzz – its Pollinator Week!

What are you doing to celebrate the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles during National Pollinator Week , June 18-24, 2018? Read on for some simple steps you can take today…

Recycling Dilemma #1003 – Moving Boxes and Oversized Cardboard

Whether you relocated from across the country, moved a kid home from college, or just received delivery of a new flat screen TV, dealing with those cardboard boxes is no problem!  Read on to schedule FREE curbside pickup in 2 easy steps…

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