The kids are home.

Yikes, the water bill will go up!

Many of us are at home now, trying to stay busy and entertained. As we use the extra time for baking cookies, starting a garden, and getting through the laundry, keep in mind these projects use a lot of water, too.  Don’t be shocked by a high water bill as Grandma Gene enjoys a long bath every night and the kids recreate Splash Town in the backyard. What a great time to get the family engaged in simple actions to save water!

  • Games are a great way to learn new information. Water Use It Wisely can keep you entertained for hours with fun games all about saving water. Try your hand at Tank Tip and Save Splash and see how saving water makes everyone a winner.
  • How about a weekly contest to see who does the best job of saving water. Winner gets to choose dinner. Or pick the movie.  Or load the dishwasher that night… oh, wait, maybe that’s not a good prize. But you get the point.
  • Have fun with the Texas Water Development Board’s trivia game on daily water use. Test your knowledge, on the game below, and then test the family’s.
Answer: 27 to 41 gallons
Answer: 1.3 to 7 gallons
Answer: 94 gallons
Answer: 22 gallons
Answer: 6 gallons
Answer: 620 gallons
Answer: 4 gallons
Answer: 1 to 8 gallons

So, how did you do?  8 for 8? Or did you learn something new?

If you’re still curious to know exactly how much water you use around the house and where it all goes, this online water calculator can help. Answer basic questions about your family’s habits and then learn simple actions you can take to save even more water. For instance, did you know that meals with meat require double the amount of water to get to your table than a vegetarian option?

There’s a lot you can learn and share while the kids are home, but above all, enjoy spending time with your family and yes, eventually you will get all those chores done.

Graphics courtesy of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). For more water savings ideas to encourage youth to think about the importance of water, enjoy more resources from TWDB here.

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